OpenEmojis Nft

nft generative art project is the tool used to create multiple different art work based on your provided layers nft minting dapp is the dapp where person can mint their nft on their blockchain

The problem OpenEmojis Nft solves

the artist can use this project to create nfts based on their layers like they can create 10k collection by this code
they dont need to do be programmer for this
just change the layers order of what kind of nft you creating and you are set to go good. you can see my video demo like for reference.
nft minting dapp is dapp where we can mint are own nft on blockchain either etherium or solana or polygon

Challenges I ran into

when i started this project many bugs came in front of me and it took me alot of time to solve them . the Bugs were like sometimes my code was not working when i tried to run it . the main problem came in when i was trying to put rarity in code.
my project was not working
specific bug was some of my modules were not installed.

i didnt face any problem while drawing all art for nfts i am actually a graphic designer and artist
so i didnt face any problem in coding as Im software engineer
