OpenCode'21 - saloni33

A month-long open-source fiesta

The problem OpenCode'21 - saloni33 solves

Numismatics - repo which is a Java-based Android app project. The App is used to manage expenses as well as earnings in an efficient manner. It also shows graphical representations of data for a better understanding of expenditure and thus helps the user to manage his own money. Find My Roomie, for a better understanding of the UI/UX. Let's Design 2.0, this repository contains various issues based on Graphical designing such as making logos, posters, etc. OpenCode_revamp repository through which we recreated certain sections of the OpenCode website. Also made compiler design and dashboard design for the Geek-Editor-Frontend repository.

Challenges I ran into

Designing was a new field for me and because of OpenCode, I tried to explore it. I got stuck many times while using Figma regarding its different features and tools which I can use, but with the help of mentors and youtube videos, I was able to solve that issues and thus learned many new things. Time constraints were also there since I need to manage studies as well as projects, but friends and memtors were always there to help me to get my problem solved whenever I was stuck in building the project.

Technologies used
