OpenCode'21 - medhatiwari

A month-long open-source fiesta


OpenCode'21 - medhatiwari

A month-long open-source fiesta

The problem OpenCode'21 - medhatiwari solves

There were many projects that I have contributed to. The journey was full of learning and excitement. Some of them in which I have contributed the most were (also I am proud of being one of the contributors to these)
GoGit: A project to learn the basics of Git and GitHub.
Auction-DApp: A decentralized application for bidding on Ethereum blockchain.
PanoViewer: OpenGL-based Image Viewer for 360 degrees Panoramic Images.
Coder-Queen: A girls-only repo comprised of web-dev and android-dev projects.
Warriors: Warriors is a Web3 MMO Game built on Polygon.

There were issues of many other projects that I have worked on but these were some major projects for which I have learned a lot of technologies and wish I could contribute more : )

Challenges I ran into

The challenges that I faced were varied with projects ranging from flutter setup (seriously it's not that easy :p) to coding the UI for category-wise news.
Grilled on various git delete methods but still was not able to find a new one :(
Learning Solidity from scratch, how to write smart contracts with solidity, and integrating with the frontend: everything was new and that is why there was a lot of knowledge that I have got in this one month.
