OpenCode'21 - jalanprakhar

A month-long open-source fiesta

The problem OpenCode'21 - jalanprakhar solves

There were various projects related to almost every tech-stack a beginner would need to start off their open source journey. The problems which I solved were related to web development(issues related to creating responsive websites , designing etc), frontend web development(issues like modifying github readme, building portfolio, writing a technical blog, building a basic JS game,etc), git(issues related to fetch and merge, merge conflicts, SSH and GPG keys, etc.) and design issues(issues related to website design, app design and logo design).

Challenges I ran into

Since I was into Web dev so it was quite difficult for me to gain more points. But since time was enough to try other issues, so I did try some basic appD and design issues and learnt a great deal.
