Ask Us Backend- A discussion forum designed for the students of IIITA to ask questions, share their experiences and to know what their peers are up to.
GoGit- A repo that aims to improve the Git and GitHub skills of the contributors by completing some tasks.
GeekChat- A simple bi-directional communication app where users can join rooms and have live text messaging with other users.
Collaborative Web- The official collaborative website of OpenCode'21.
Find My Roomie- Designing the UX/UI of an app made for finding the perfect roommate.
Let's Design 2.0- Tasks related to various aspects of Graphic Designing- logo designing, typography, poster designing, and 3D designing.
Collaborative App- The official collaborative Android application of OpenCode'21.
OpenCode Revamp- Redesign sections of the OpenCode website using your design skills and instincts to improve the User Interface.
While working on an issue for Ask Us Frontend, I had to set up Dart in Android Studio on my laptop which was not working out at all. I had surfed through all solutions on the internet and all possible answers on Stack Overflow, but the only thing that helped me, in the end, was sitting with the mentors on Discord and troubleshooting the issue. We tried out various methods like deleting the entire Dart-SDK folder and restarting my laptop all over again (which they were very patient about because my laptop had slowed down a lot because of Android Studio). They were very helpful and patient and tried fixing the issue with me for many hours until we figured out a solution.