Open Circle

Open Circle

Join the Open Circle: Empowering a Decentralized Social Experience.

The problem Open Circle solves

Data privacy: Centralized social media platforms collect and store vast amounts of user data, which can be vulnerable to hacks and leaks. Open Circle, being decentralized, provides users with control over their data and ensures that their personal information is kept private.

Censorship and moderation: Centralized social media platforms have faced criticism for their censorship and moderation policies. Open Circle, being decentralized, operates on a peer-to-peer network that allows users to communicate and share content without the fear of being censored or moderated.

Monopolization: Centralized social media platforms often have a monopoly over the market, giving them a disproportionate amount of power and influence over users. Open Circle, being decentralized, provides a level playing field for all users and allows for a more democratic and fair social media experience.

Challenges we ran into

User Adoption: Decentralized applications often require users to learn new technical concepts and use new tools, which can be a barrier to adoption.

Infrastructure: Unlike centralized applications, decentralized applications require a distributed infrastructure to ensure that the system is always available, secure, and performs well.

Smart Contract Security: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Ensuring the security and integrity of smart contracts is crucial to preventing fraud and system failures.

Scalability: Decentralized applications need to be designed to scale as the number of users grows. This requires careful planning and optimization of system resources.

Interoperability: Decentralized applications should be designed to work seamlessly with other decentralized applications, allowing users to take advantage of the benefits of a decentralized ecosystem.

Tracks Applied (4)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

Deployed smart contract on Ethereum and Polygon


Ethereum Track

Deployed smart contract on Ethereum



Used to store all the images of user on IPFS



Used for deploying website on Replit

