
The Futute of Smart City Management

The problem OnTheGo solves

Smart cities are the upcoming mega-project in our country. However, the management of these smart cities upon completion will prove to be a huge responsibility. To tackle this foreseeable problem, we have designed a web-based application to help manage smart cities in a more efficient manner. The web app will let the citizens encountering any sort of inconvenience report their grievances to the concerned authorities. The inconvenience can be any hindrance such as road damage & obstructions, diversions, blockages, physical damage to buildings, electrical mishaps, etc. The citizen can upload description of such occurrences on the app through photographs based on their real-time location. The administrators of the web app would be the smart city officials. These photographs will allow the administrators to cross-check and take the necessary steps to fix reported issues across the city. Citizens of the city can check complaint status and track the progress of repairs.
The app cuts down the requirement for multiple officials who need to carry out routine checks and inspections of the smart city. The citizens, who are the users of the facilities, are enough to report infrastructural failures.

Challenges we ran into

The major problem we faced and are currently working upon is the passing of props between routes. This is the reason the form is not fully functional right now. If we are able to overcome this, the app will be fully complete.
