Online Education With Compressed Data

Less amount the DataPack will Used , Get More the amount of Online Education Material

The problem Online Education With Compressed Data solves

In today’s time, multiple online courses are available for access on various portals either for free or at nominal costs. But there is definitely a hidden cost involved: that of the data packs and fast internet.
Fast internet is not present at remote locations like villages and hilly areas, and also, not everyone can afford to have a wifi with unlimited monthly plans.
OECD:Online Education with Compressed Data,
a unique E-Learning Platform providing Live Classes as well as Resources like- notes for later access.

This will make use of Data Compression Techniques that will allow easy transmission of data in less time even at speed of 2G internet connectivity

Challenges we ran into

  1. So many web portals are already in existence, we had to build something unique and really useful
    2.We made the web portal and compression application successfully, but were unable to integrate them. Individually, both are working fine.
  2. The compression tool works fine for large file (size>=200 mb), but for smaller files, the size of compressed file becomes more than existing file
