One - AA Human Wallet

One - AA Human Wallet

A Wallet Experience for Humans; Not Crypto/Web3

Built at ETHIndia Fellowship 3.0

The problem One - AA Human Wallet solves

TLDR; A wallet experience created not for web3 or crypto but for humans.

Wallets have been one of the most worked on projects in the web3 world. Many of the pioneers of this space have wallets that have a huge user base but they require high prerequisites of understanding and maintaining the accounts. In terms of safety, recovery and even actions as simple as a transfer.

One Wallet provides an abstracted user interface where users can create and log into their wallets using their phone numbers!
With the ability to add new devices on the fly, One provides a very quick onboarding for the users.

One wallet is built for simplicity and ease of understanding, with a need-to-know user experience design. Sending ETH and logging into your account on infinite devices are the first few features of the One Wallet.

Challenges I ran into

Account abstraction with ERC4337 is very tricky business. There are a ton of moving parts to the whole system and many checks in place to ensure smooth execution. Which implies a lot of edge cases, staking requirements and even more build time. It has been rewarding and nerve wracking to discover everything 4337 related!

Right now I am facing issues with hosting my own Paymaster which is needed to pay gas fees for new accounts being deployed. Once that is sorted next up is refactoring and ironing out a few edge cases in the onboarding logic. Also web3Auth came up with native sms auth, so gotta switch to that asap and ditch Firebase.

Also Vite broke my heart with build failures at the last moment. I have no clue why it’s failing. So I’ll be porting the codebase to CRA and hope for the best.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
