

To be creative and to be innovative, with the innovation of AI we are all aware that most daily workings will be taken care or at least be a major reason to help create the unknowns.

The problem Odyss solves

In today's world prompt engineering has become one of the mostly highly paid skills however continues the exploration of prompt engineers continues to exists , many that do freelancing have faced the issue where upon showing their prompts it is either copid and sold or the creator or the visionary never receives his share for the creative work. I have created an application harnessing the power of AI + Blockchain , that will store the prompt in the description of the nft that is hidden via salt and that can only be retrieved when solved , and once solved it will create a new salt that will be only accessed by the buyer.
The payment will be taken care via the Aptos blockchain using the move programming language.
The second phase of the project will be a story based system, where creators will be able to create a fully harness the power of ai and create mangas and stories that can be sold with just a preview of the store book or a summary. This will bring about the creativity of thinkers who can't draw or aren't good at writing.

Challenges I ran into

Trying to upload an image from user to the database , that was taking some time since we had to store it in the local storage as long as the user clicks on the upload icon.
Another problem that I ran into that hasn't been yet solved is after fetching the image I am still unable to convert the Image URL that I have received from the openAi apis to image and then upload it to the Supabase storage
I have been using Martian wallet for the connection with the application as it will not only secure the users but also keep them private and as a unknow entity .
I am yet to solve the issue for the storage of the image that I would receive from the Dalle -2 due to less time , I am unable to finish this project on time .
