

our aim is to restrict the wastage of food and provide to the neddy one's through NGO's and various other government organizations.

The problem NourishNet solves

1.Environmental Impact: Reducing food waste helps minimize the environmental footprint associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of wasted food. Rotting food in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

2.Social Responsibility: Addressing food waste is a matter of social responsibility. Millions of people around the world suffer from hunger and food insecurity, and reducing waste can help redirect surplus food to those in need.

Challenges we ran into

As we know India is diverse country it is not easy possible to find neddy people and different NGO's too . But we will put our complete efforts to solve this issue upto highest level our team can , for betterment of country.

Tracks Applied (1)


A software project in the waste food management domain would typically involve the development of applications, platform...Read More
