Created on 20th February 2022
A large number of websites providing users with various services have popped up on the internet in today's time, and this has radically changed the landscape of today's online ecosystem. Every service has made it's own authentication and hence, a new password. Having so many such authentication services running on the net has a large amount of problems, all related from the smallest remembrance of passwords to the security level of a user's password.
Our app being presented here is a Password Manager tool for users that saves their passwords securely and reveals them to the user whenever they want to.
We ran into a lot of challenges, such as express connections, server side scripts, etc. Another challenge was to learn about Web3 Storage and it's working. Zero Knowledge proof and it's applications were also quite difficult, since they require complex maths to be used in the authentication process, hence we just showed a proof of concept leaving much space for further improvement.