It helps in solving of day-to-day problems easily, makes it easier to post , for example a tech-related problem would directly be posted in the tech category hence increasing its chance to get solved quickly, people can upvote posts, and comment on it higher the upvotes more the reach of the post, higher chance of it reaching to the authority, we will give more upvotes to the secy or a person with a position in that specific domain , this we will do when we get the database of the all the years , we will also add a medical section where people can post about urgent notifications , donation of blood or money, reaching directly to everyone, reduces unnecessary spamming of posts of different whatsapp groups . A category about animal-cares where anyone can post about any animals on the campus needing immediate attention and the people of the CCF( Committee for Campus-Fauna -an administrative body that works for animal welfare), similarly different sections would be connected to their concerned authority, this is something we plan to do . This will increase the connectivity , since this website is made to cater all year's students, will increase inter-year interaction. We plan to work on this project further after this hackathon as well
We initially tried to make our database through firebase, fighting through a lot authentication errors, , we switched to my.sql ,
front-end as well we started with html/css and js and later switched to React . As we had less prior knowledgoe, we faced a lot of issues using node.js and express, mid-way we got so hopeless that we started building some games on python through openCV, we are also uploading that, but we had an idea , so we tried our best to learn in the given time period and implement it roughly through our website.
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