No Hantei

You can't judge my choices without understanding my reasons.

The problem No Hantei solves

Today, one of the problems we all face is the fear of being judged.

We all have done some things at some point in our life where we try to impress somebody else at the cost of our own satisfaction/ mental health.

Through this platform what we expect is to make a judgment-free social handle where an individual can be the real themselves without trying to be someone who they are not to earn validation from others.

We focus on building a community of people with similar interests so that they can talk about what they really love or a certain interest they want to pursue which they are not comfortable disclosing in real life because of social anxiety.

When the people with similar interests connect, they communicate with each other, relate and bond with each other which brings confidence in them and they try to come out of their comfort zone and explore within themselves which in turn would lead them to pursue their interests in real life without any hesitation and this time, for their own true self.

Challenges we ran into

Setting background image and colour to full screen
Made position relative in css and moved it to left by required pixels.

Connecting sign up page with sign up button
Using input type submit tag in anchor tag and linking the page
And in forms, linking of page done in action attribute of form tag in html.
