Created on 5th September 2021
At Niyukti one of our cultural tenets is transformation - of ourselves, our company and our world, for the better. We're a culture that aspires to make an impact and this commitment is more important now than ever. Since the emergence of the coronavirus, many of our employees have found ways to step up and support organizations that they care about with their time or financial resources.
The Major problem problem Niyukti solves:
1.The pandemic has caused many businesses to downsize or shut down completely, leaving lakhs of people across the country, without jobs. Several businesses and factory owners are unable to start work because most of the workforce migrated away from the city to their hometowns or villages. To bridge this gap we have launched Niyukti which will help employers and workers connect.
2.We have built and developed an interactive website which helps youth of todays generation by providing a simple interface for them.Many employers use Internet technologies to advertise job openings. Job seekers visit a company's website or a job bank database to read descriptions about available positions.
3.People can take advantage of applying for jobs and submitting resumes online, for several openings, in one sitting. Employers can screen applications and resumes for the people that best match key words relating to the job opening, minimizing unproductive and unfruitful face-to-face application and resume submissions.
The advantage of Niyukti on employment is that it has the potential to get better for both businesses and workers, as new innovations emerge that transform the way we work. Gary Shapiro, is the president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association in the U.S., and he penned a book in 2011, titled, "The Comeback: How Innovation Will Restore the American Dream." The book publisher's website suggests that technological innovation helps create new jobs, markets and industries that never existed before.
The challenges we faced during the building of this project is as follows :
1.Initially, we found it hard to decide the flow of our website, but as soon as we started building it, we were able to figure it out.
2.Designing creative solutions with users in order to address their needs..We have to plan out a draft to present your product, which is as important as the product itself.
3.We have very limited time to plan, develop and test your product. Hackathons generally last for 24–36 hours, so we need to be pretty quick in terms of execution, as every second counts.
4.We faced problem in implementing flexible length for divisions and subdisvsions but later we tackled it using the CSS flex property.
Technologies used