NGO Data protection using Blockchain Technology

NGO Xchange is a solution for NGO to revolutionize how payments are made. Our blockchain platform solves the major compliance issues of fund traceability, security, and fraud and transparency as well.

Created on 5th June 2020


NGO Data protection using Blockchain Technology

NGO Xchange is a solution for NGO to revolutionize how payments are made. Our blockchain platform solves the major compliance issues of fund traceability, security, and fraud and transparency as well.

The problem NGO Data protection using Blockchain Technology solves

A growing stream of research finds several relations between economic growth and corruption. Government implement various strategies to diminished corruption and also technology often plays an dominant role to face it. Among various technologies alteration, Block-chain technology that becomes an effective and efficient way to resolving issues related to corruption. Block-Chain technology is a kind of distributed database, public ledger of all transactions that have been executed and shared among participating parties. Each and every transaction in the public ledger is verified by a majority of the participants in the system. The possible risk related to current scenario and give brief idea for resolving that problem with the help of block chain technology. Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) which aim is to tackle some of society’s issues. NGO faces difficulty in terms of maintaining and gaining the support from donors, funds. In recent decades there have been examples of corruption, misconduct scandals impacting the public image and reputation of NGOs. It is clear that public trust in NGOs is affected adversely by such event. Doubts arise in terms of
Where donation ends up? Who is leading the organization? Is donated money are used in proper direction? So as a part of it, a need is raised to solve such issues for the society. For the above stated problem regarding management of funds in NGOs, we propose a solution by using Block-Chain technology among various technologies alteration available. Block-Chain offers the way to eliminate the doubts by providing data security, immutability, transparency. So, Block Technology can offer the NGO industry to regain the trust of public.

Challenges I ran into

Not kind of bug but found difficulty while integrating front end with back end. beacause , not as much resource availabe to learn how to integrate them especially when blockchain technology is being used as back-end. Then follow number of articles which helps me alot. I felt integrating was not kind of much tough but as i had no idea for where to go so it became headache for me. In added , i have profound knowledge in blockchain so figure it out within sort time and now my project is running well.


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