Experience the 2000s craze Hot-or-Not revived and transformed into a sensational social experiment: NFT or not! Every 24 hours you can join in on a thrilling showdown of A.I. generated images where yo

Created on 4th December 2022



Experience the 2000s craze Hot-or-Not revived and transformed into a sensational social experiment: NFT or not! Every 24 hours you can join in on a thrilling showdown of A.I. generated images where yo

The problem NFTorNOT solves

Experience the 2000s craze Hot-or-Not revived and transformed into a sensational social experiment: NFT or not! Built with lens protocol, every 24 hours you can join in on a thrilling showdown of A.I. generated images where you and the community get to decide the winner. The highest voted submission gets to have their generated image minted as a NFT and can earn money from the collective.

So don't wait! Participate today, for free. Submit and vote for the most amazing and captivating images you can find! 🔥🔥🔥

The concept is super simple:

  • 🌿 Sign in with your lens profile on
  • 👉 Now either start voting on AI generated images submitted by users already
  • 🪄 Or participate in the fun by generating images on “Word of the day”, use our fire filters to take it to the next level and submit your hottest images to vote
  • ⏱️ Now all you can do is wait. Share your submission with your lens frens and at the end of 24 hours, the most fire image becomes “NFT of the day”
  • 💰 Collect the NFT of the day post on lens to show your support, all of the collect fee goes to the user who generated it
  • 🔥 Your image was hot but didn’t become NFT of the day? No worries, we send your image minted as an NFT to your wallets. Collect it and display it with pride. Don’t forget to participate tomorrow again, on a new Word of the day

Challenges we ran into

  • Fetching uploaded metdata and images from IPFS
  • Major Network Issues

Tracks Applied (2)

General Storage Track

Protocol Labs

Lens Protocol



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