NFT Lending with superfluid

Powering borrowing of stablecoins using NFTs as collateral and real-time payback using Superfluid streams


The problem NFT Lending with superfluid solves

On-chain lending is a currently unsolved problem in crypto, as it's extremely difficult to recover the borrowed money if the borrower defaults. Several alternatives exist, such as on-chain credit scores, overcollateralized lending, among others.
Here we propose using NFTs as collateral, so that any NFT holder is able to borrow a given amount of stablecoin, which is a simpler alternative than the other alternatives presented.
Additionally, using streams as payback mechanism make the repayment seamless, instead of forcing the user to repay a given amount on regular intervals.

Challenges I ran into

Some problems I had was identifying the correct callbacks of the SuperAppBase that I had to implement. Although there are a few helpful examples, I don't understand why I need to implement all the following methods (beforeAgreementCreated,beforeAgreementUpdated, beforeAgreementTerminated,afterAgreementCreated,afterAgreementUpdated), instead of having to overwrite only the callback where I have specific logic (afterAgreementTerminated).

Technologies used
