Created on 3rd June 2023
Kpop fans purchase tons of offline albums to participate to a certain artist's Fan Meet. After getting access to the artist's Fan Meet, those albums in Web3 are being abandoned and becoming a excessive waste of resource. This has a serious malicious impact on environment. Refer to the newspaper article below to see how serious this problem is
Web2 music industry has never been free from billboard manipulations and manipulated fan meeting raffle results. Artist's agencies chooses raffles on their own favor in a unclear way, and fans have no idea of how fair the process of raffle selection is done. This is a problem of trust for K-pop industry itself.
In NFP, user do not have to own a copy of Web-2 K-pop album to enter a fan meet raffle. Now, user just has to buy an ON-LINE album, and the purchase of album will be recorded in NEAR blockchain in a form of NFT, proving in a very clear way that this user has bought this Album, the RIGHT WAY
In NFP, every data is stored on NEAR blockchain in a NON-FUNGIBLE way, which means that No one can interfere it after it is created! Album purchase data recorded on blockchain will help people to understand how rankings are being calculated, and no one will be able to manipulate the REAL DATA, making the most accurate music bill board, on top of NEAR PROTOCOL. Every raffle is selected solely on the Near Protocol's Smart Contract. Everyone can see the result, and the process of raffle is strictly guaranteed by code, not person, gaining the TRUST.
Near protocol uses RUST and WASM to deploy contract. Since i am used to deploying contracts and building using ether.js, it was a very challenging issue to solve.
I have to learn rust and WASM to deploy contract and build the front-end. It was a very challenging issue to solve.
I solved the issue by reading the NEAR documentation and reading github codes.
github repo that helped me the most!
I thought that to make people to onboard to web3, it was very important to hide web3 wallets from the user, because
Web2 users are not familiar with Web3 features, such as Web3 crypto wallet
I am going to solve this issue by using Supabase, which is a web3-like database that can be used to store user private key and public key.
I am still developing on this issue.
I had to learn how to interact with NEAR blockchain, and how to deploy contract using rust and WASM.
I mainly used near-cli to deploy my NFT contract.
I also used NEAR documentation to learn how to interact with NEAR blockchain.
Tracks Applied (2)
NEAR Protocol
Technologies used