Nexus Events

Nexus Events

A event management nft ticketing dapp made using PolygonId, The Graph and Scroll

Nexus Events

Nexus Events

A event management nft ticketing dapp made using PolygonId, The Graph and Scroll

The problem Nexus Events solves

While hosting events we see alot of entries to get approval to the event specifically FREE events but what happens is sometimes many bots join in or even real people who join don't come to attend the event. One of the solution to that problem was staking some money and returning to the user after successful event attendance but for people like me BROKE , we don't even have a single usd on wallets to stake.

To solve that problem we using PolygonID to make sure the user entering the event is a real person and not a BOT , while using The Graph to get the data from the blockchain and deploying it on Scroll for less transaction fees!

Challenges we ran into

Well integrating polygonid to the frontend was a difficult task, we ran into many errors like not able to generate correct qr code, not able to generate proofs using the qr code but we managed to do it somehow

Other than that we also had some issues while deploying the contracts but we fixed it !

Tracks Applied (3)

Polygon Track

We integrated PolygonID in our application to make it have an extra layer of security also protecting any confidential d...Read More


The Graph Track

We used the graph queries to fetch the data from blockchain and show it in the frontend

The Graph

Scroll Track

We deployed our dapp on Scroll


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
