

Clothing NFTs trading platform

Built at Unfold 2023


Clothing NFTs trading platform

The problem NexTrade solves

The problem it solves:

Fetaures for which user will use this project are, not limited to-

Prove Ownership: Users can prove they own exclusive digital clothing items through NFTs.

Collectible Fashion: Create a collection of rare and stylish digital fashion pieces.

Marketplace: Buy, sell, and trade unique digital fashion items with a global community.

Sustainability: Promote sustainable fashion by reducing physical clothing production and waste.

Creative Expression: Showcase and express personal style in the virtual world.

Challenges I ran into

During the development of the product, I encountered several challenges:

Sequenced NFT Minting: Figuring out how to mint NFTs in a sequential order posed a significant challenge. I had to devise a method to ensure that each user could mint a specific NFT associated with their chosen photo.

Smart Contract Development: Crafting the smart contract logic for minting NFTs when a user clicked a particular photo was a complex task. It required careful consideration and coding to execute this functionality correctly.

Metadata Handling with Pinata: Dealing with metadata and Pinata was a major hurdle. Managing and linking metadata to NFTs required time and effort, and I encountered issues that caused delays.

IPFS Integration: Integrating with IPFS proved to be a time-consuming and challenging process. I faced several roadblocks while working with IPFS but ultimately managed to overcome them to successfully integrate it into the marketplace.

Tracks Applied (1)

Beginner: C-Chain EVM Track

My project aligns with the beginner C-Chain EVM track by meeting the track's requirement of deploying a smart contract-b...Read More


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
