Created on 15th October 2022
It allows you to develop mobile applications with web technologies-HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Cordova cross platform target multiple platform with one code base (Code once and Run Everywhere). In this paper we implement simple News Application by using Cordova development framework, to create local Newspaper agency. This Application serves peoples of a small community with timely updates and all the events going on around them. The challenges is to prepare such solution that can be run in different platforms with single SDK without changing the performance.
It allows you to develop mobile applications with web technologies-HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Cordova cross platform target multiple platform with one code base (Code once and Run Everywhere). In this paper we implement simple News Application by using Cordova development framework, to create local Newspaper agency. This Application serves peoples of a small community with timely updates and all the events going on around them. The challenges is to prepare such solution that can be run in different platforms with single SDK without changing the performance.