Newlife project measures the level of depression in a person and suggest remedies. Also it asks user to come 18 days to report his improvement and we have used echoAR to give him a nature feel.

The problem NEWLIFE solves

It will help more than 1 billion people to test their depression rate free of cost and overcome it. Also we have shared bhagavad gita to spread our heritage , culture and knowledge . In covid times when people have a feeling of being in nature can use our echoAR model that we have integrated. Report for 18 days will make them commit to be free from depression which they otherwise will not have done so. We have done intense reasearch to make this project one of a kind . It simplifies the content and gives a better idea and support and knowledge at one place . We through our project are motivating person to work hard and live . If they follow remedies this will make families closer , thus build an healthy ecosystem. We gave our team name Indian boys to support nationality in youth .

Challenges we ran into

It was a bit difficult to integrate all the web pages and API together but we figured it out anyways. Once our echoAR API call gets exhausted but then echoAR responded well and upgraded it . We are really packed this weekend due to the assignments, tests and practicals so we had to do extra time management. Also , our team has only freshers who are new to web development ,so it was quite a big task but we divided it pretty well. Our major task was to integrate it all together in one place. We need to do a lot of research and to do something new which could help more than 1 billion people is certainly worth the hardwork .
