Neko Old Age Home

Neko Old Age Home

Making Millions Smile


The problem Neko Old Age Home solves

Our web app has some differentiating features such as video chat between relatives and the old aged as well as text chat between the admin and the relative. Every old age home member has a unique token, so any random person cannot access details.
Our main aim is to have text chat, meet and details of the patient all in one app so that the admin and patient don't have to switch between apps for communication

Neko Old Age Home is a non profitable web app aiming to keep the bond between the old aged and their relatives even after they leave them in the old age home age. The relative can keep track of the health conditions of their member, also if the relative wants to communicate with its member they have an option of video chat and text chat using which even if they are far away from their loved ones, they can have a conversation. All the updates about the old aged people are reflected on the website which is updated by the admin from time to time. Every resident from the old age home has a unique token, so any random person can not access the details of the member in the old age home. Also if any user/non-user wants to donate funds to the old age home, they can do so.

Challenges I ran into

Integrating the put api.
Since we created this project for a hackathon, we couldn't add features that help the management of the Old Age home due to lack of time.
