


The problem Ncrypto solves

The Cryptocurrency world will be the future of fintech and currencies. With soaring high profits and returns, investors and individuals now want to delve deeper into the crypto markets by investing their money.
BUT, does only having some money really help the beginner investor's of the crypto market? Who will tell them whether market will be bullish or bearish, who will tell them the price to buy or sell. who will tell the the daily insider news and tweets related to cryptocurrencies.

That is exactly where nCrypto comes in. We will be helping our investors know the future market trends(at least for the next 2 months). We will give our investors a personalized chatbot through which the can have a view of our future price predictions. With a cherry on the top, we will be giving our customers, 24*7 latest inside cryptocurrency news that they can view and have an outlook about what are the latest trends which the crypto market might take in the near future.

We will be making technical analysis trading real easy for our investors, if you are a beginner at crypto trading, it will surely be at your fingertips through our platform. With automated indicators, buying/selling strategy and easy explanations, it is one of a kind. We will be predicting the future prices using an innovative model known as Bollinger Band Theory, which will help us to predict the prices of the cryto coins using statistics, mathematics and machine learning.
We have a completely working fully deployed website which we will be demonstrating just after our pitch. Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Using Deep Learning. A complete machine learning real world application walk-through using FBProphet model (Facebook's Neural Network Model) to predict the price of crptocurrency.

A chatbot trained in google dialogueflow to tell the user regarding the future price of Crypto coins with a high level of accuracy.

Challenges we ran into

We faced a lot of difficulties while integrating metamask wallet on our webapp
We also faced problems getting the latest dataset of all the Crypto coins
We faced difficulties making dialogue flow account
