

Assistance for disabled people heads above the rest

The problem NaviMate solves

The NaviMate application aims to aid passengers with disabilities physical and/or visual, easily commute through metros. It helps in requesting and scheduling the instant assistance of a metro staff beforehand by specifying the destination, date and time of commute, thus reducing their waiting time for the said assistance. This application not only helps the traveller ease their travel but also the navigator as it provides him/her a second source of income. It provides better information and increases operation efficiency for stations. Every passengers' information is stored securely in the system, displaying only relevant contact information and picture of the passenger to the navigator.

Challenges we ran into

We faced various design challenges to make sure that the interface is user friendly by keeping in mind differently abled people. For example we made an option for changing the color theme of the application. We also brainstormed the ways by which we can generate revenue while making sure that it remains affordable for economically weaker sections.

While building this project, we came across contradicting opinions among our team members, we solved it by understanding the other member's perspective and negotiated a solution.

Tracks Applied (1)

Design & Solve

NaviMate app was designed with the focus on inclusion and accessibility for passengers with disabilities, travelling thr...Read More

Technologies used
