

Navi : Safety in every stride

The problem Navi solves

Navi Women's Safety App is a comprehensive mobile application designed to empower and protect women in potentially dangerous situations, ensuring their safety and peace of mind. This innovative app offers a range of features aimed at safeguarding women when they are alone, particularly during nighttime or in unfamiliar environments.
Key Features:

1.SOS Functionality:
In moments of distress, users can activate the SOS feature by simply shaking their phone.
Upon activation, a loud police siren will sound, deterring potential threats and alerting nearby individuals to the user's predicament.

2.Real-Time Location Sharing:
Navi enables users to share their real-time location with their registered emergency contacts, typically parents or trusted individuals.
This live location sharing ensures that someone always knows their whereabouts, providing an added layer of security.

3.SMS Alerts to Parents:
In critical situations, the app automatically sends SMS alerts to the registered parents' numbers, notifying them of the user's distress.
This feature ensures immediate response and support from trusted individuals.

4.Safety Tips and Guidelines:
Navi offers a wealth of safety tips and guidance to educate users on staying safe in various situations.
Users can access information on basic laws related to women's safety to better understand their rights.

Problem Solving:

-Enhancing Personal Safety: Navi Women's Safety App addresses the pressing issue of personal safety for women, especially when they find themselves alone or in potentially dangerous environments.
-Dissuading Potential Threats: The app's police siren feature acts as a powerful deterrent, discouraging potential harm-doers and ensuring a safer environment for women.
-Rapid Notification: The automatic SMS alerts to registered parents or guardians ensure that someone is informed promptly in case of an emergency, facilitating a swift response to the user's distress.
-Education and Awareness

Challenges we ran into

  1. System Requirements: Android Studio requires a robust system configuration, including high processing power, memory, and storage
    2.Accuracy of Location Tracking
    3.SOS Activation Reliability
    4.Emergency Services Integration
    5.Testing and Quality Assurance

Tracks Applied (2)

Prizes For Everyone

Our project, the Navi Women's Safety App, is a natural fit for the 'Prizes for Everyone' track of this competition becau...Read More

Grand Prizes

Our project, the Navi Women's Safety App, is a perfect fit for the grand prize track of this competition as it directly ...Read More
