There has been a compromise in UX and security in the web3 space for so long, one come with the cost of the other. Telegram bots have been making enough noise now for making UX simple for the masses. However they never cared to solve security or autonomity, here comes Natty a alternative chatbot without compromising security, autonomity or UX. Users now don't need to remember their mnemonic or don't worry about someone pulling their funds or loose their funds if they loose their access to Telegram. In Natty, a user can choose his password (which is further mapped down to create a privatekey using ERC 6327 elastic signature) and use it anywhere on any device. No one knows the private key this way as we use zk-based proofs to execute the trade on-chain without knowing the private key , that way we provide autonomity user while still abstracting all the complexity from the user. We took the bot command experience (similar in telegram) to next level by adding intent based processing. Our AI model now will process the user input and executes the intent of the users. Even better, users now don't need to remember the meaning of commands. To sum it all up a user can access his / her wallet anywhere, on any device.
We tried to abstract complexity on the user side because of that we had to handle everything. One specific hurdle which mades us rub our noses to the floor that is generating call data for the user intent and submitting the same to the chain using zk-proofs.
Tracks Applied (8)
XDC Foundation
1inch Network
Technologies used