Mysuru Website

Mysuru is noted for its heritage structures and palaces, including the Mysuru Palace. So we have tried to create a website which can attract tourists.

Created on 13th December 2020


Mysuru Website

Mysuru is noted for its heritage structures and palaces, including the Mysuru Palace. So we have tried to create a website which can attract tourists.

The problem Mysuru Website solves

People lack interaction with the local people due to which they lack the information of the place and find it difficult to find the different places.

Due to Covid, lots of people have lost their job , so due to which we try to make job opportunities to local people through this platform.

People have to search different websites for different purpose related to Mysore, so we try to make a single platform where we connect all the information related to Mysore on a single page.

Challenges we ran into

We have to face challenges while the slide show of images on the main page and download guide button, But after searching for the solution on google we got to overcome it.

Another challenge we got stuck is fetching the map location of Mysore but then I then use the website to embed the URL to to HTML.


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