Mysuru Tourism Website- for Post-Covid travel

Tourism Industy was hit hard after the breakout of the CoronaVirus pandemic. In order to revive the industry once again, and to let is prosper, We tried to create a website that functions as an all-p

Created on 13th December 2020


Mysuru Tourism Website- for Post-Covid travel

Tourism Industy was hit hard after the breakout of the CoronaVirus pandemic. In order to revive the industry once again, and to let is prosper, We tried to create a website that functions as an all-p

The problem Mysuru Tourism Website- for Post-Covid travel solves

Tourism Industy was hit hard after the breakout of the CoronaVirus pandemic. In order to revive the industry once again, and to let is prosper, We tried to create a website that functions as an all-purpose tourism website taking into account the safety norms to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Challenges we ran into

We encountered several chaleenges, wuth the use of Cloud APIs, Backend debugging of the dynamic websiteetc.

Technologies used


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