MYON - Make Your Own Notifications

Make Your Own Notifications is a No-code tool for pushing real-time notifications over all kinds of protocols and smart contracts

The problem MYON - Make Your Own Notifications solves

Currently, no existing tools are available to deliver real-time notifications for events occurring in a smart contract. Only distinct protocols are enabled with the notification services. Moreover, the users are not able to get notified to the events of their own choice and it requires a coding and technical knowledge. It's high time, the requirement should be extended over all the available protocols and the smart contracts in the ecosystem to track the market on the day-to-day biases. We implemented a No-code tool for real-time notifications whenever the user-selected event occurs in any smart contract. The user is able to subscribe to a number of events by choosing the required events from the available list of events in that particular smart contract.

Challenges we ran into

Resolving ethereum addresses to wallet address was difficult, but we managed to do it by integrating ENS.
Providing users the real time notifications for priority events, managed to do it by using web sockets.

Tracks Applied (2)

Push Protocol

Push Protocol


