My Mood

A solution to depression

The problem My Mood solves

One of the biggest problem that people of almost all age range face is of depression. We don’t have proper medicine for treating depression. It’s a state of mind which can be mostly solved by letting our mind divert from the topic that is troubling us and engage in different activities but one more effective way is to talk with a friend or someone who understands us.

But it’s often experienced that finding such a person is difficult task. Moreover we aren’t sure that whether the person is really helping us or not. So we have designed a web app in which user will write all the events happened in the diary. Our program will process all the information which is text based and will return the scores it got and show that to the user. When user will be writing the thoughts in his mind he will feel as if he is talking with someone and will release stress.

The user can self-analyze himself. Its general tendency of people to score more and hope that their report should look nice. So as day passes user will try to think more and more good things happened with them and it will positively affect their mindset.

The actual web application will be consisting of 3 page. One will be the Dashboard which will consists of all the entries made my user.
They are organized according to the date.
The second page will be consisting of a program that will get user input from the user. Here User will be writing all the information in this page and once submit button is clicked they will be redirected to Dashboard
Third Page which is the most important and backbone of the project is the emotion page. This is the page where processed user information will be displayed. User can see ratings of all the emotions there.

Challenges we ran into

We faced many problems while using django but at the end we found it easy to use application.
We were confused on how to link pages
Also how to make a query in django
How to pass variables to the template page
CSRF token caused problems and took time to figure out.
