Buzzed with your chores ! Let us be your helping hand .



Buzzed with your chores ! Let us be your helping hand .

The problem MY HOLM solves

Now I was currently working on a plan which is something like this in a nutshell ;
So all of us need help getting through everyday be it utensils or to keep our sweet home clean or even be it to cook some food . But the thing to notice here is we don't yet have an organized system which can get us through seamlessly during our ever draining jobs . And the other thing to notice is that we might need help for circumstantial purposes for example we are hosting a dinner party at out place tonight so to give us a hand to cook some delicacies for the guest or for the chores next day would need a person more or a little of more manpower. So to just get manpower organized at a click on the finger is a dream for us still yet , or one fine day you might find your window panes and ceiling fans dirty and to arrange people for that just within minutes is a bliss in itself. And lets be honest here about the trust and security we feel towards the person helping us is way too little I mean especially back here in India we never know or have a track record of the person so far to know if they are even a national residing in the country ..and this according to me is a good solution to

  1. Bring in a organized outlook for seamless and smooth way of getting your household work done easily .
  2. As the lockdown has hit the streets, to know if the helper is vaccinated and the whereabouts and the need for such people has increased drastically .
  3. A sense of belongingness and trust with the person who is helping you which can totally be your choice , just like you choose while ordering phones online with preferences to feel like home at home !
  4. And I don't really know about overseas but in India a household helper is a must and if it is which your choice , when you want them , of who's profile you know , not doubting or panicking the helper when some valuable goes missing , at nominal rates , not needing to negotiate with them about the quote for the chores,is a great way get things done.

Challenges I ran into

So the plan was to run in my revenue model and use the money i get beforehand to invest it into the market so i created a stoploss chain mechanism which would analyse between highest returns from stock to green bond to grey investment to money market etc everyday and automatically shift my holdings into various platforms .
