Corona Buddy Karuna

Track covid patients nearby with our corona buddy


Corona Buddy Karuna

Track covid patients nearby with our corona buddy

The problem Corona Buddy Karuna solves

With increase in covid cases , it is important to know if there are covid cases in the areas you are visiting, know their real-time location and also know if you have been in contact with a covid patient. Corona Buddy provides you a real-time update of nearby covid patients , people with symptoms and also tells you if you have been in contact with a potential covid case.

Many government applications like Aarogya Sethu has been developed. But these applications make use of bluetooth. Disadvantages with bluetooth technology is that they can track cases which have been detected by mobiles bluetooth device. Real-time update of covid cases isn't provided.
Our project also comes with a web-based admin panel through which administrators can path trace location of a person, get a tree like view of contacts of a person.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Integrating andrioid app with web based api was time taking.
  2. The app required us to provide real-time location for which we had to use sockets. Programming with sockets was something to new us.
