Multi Tenant Account

Multi Tenant Account

Multi Tenant Account is a contract wallet with upgradability that combines BEAKON PROXY and DIAMOND STANDARD at the same time.

Built at ETHIndia 2023
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The problem Multi Tenant Account solves

when ERC4337 was released, the only option for adapting to it was to discard the existing proxies. However, this account does not require that.
if a later, good contract account is developed by others, you can easily incorporate any contract account implementation without deployment.This is an account with upgradeability that is very resistant to change.
In addition,

  • Function Level Upgrade
  • Bulk Upgrade
  • Low Cost Deploymen
    and other features.

There are so many different use cases for this, but speaking in the context of this hackathon, an AccountAbstacted account can easily become a multisig as well, and if the ERC4337 specification changes in the future, it can incorporate those changes without deploying.

I believe this technology will be a new and innovative foundation in blockchain upgradability as well as contract wallets.
Please check out the presentation materials with diagrams and other information in PDF format in the current directory on github.

Challenges I ran into

It is my pleasure to contribute to the Web3 industry by creating what I really want to create. So I thought I would create what I needed at the hackathon as well.
When I heard the session, that didn't really match the content of the prize, so I had to work a little bit to adjust to that. Also, I developed it all by myself, so I didn't have a lot of time.
The demo video was also not quite 4 minutes long, but the work to keep it within 4 minutes was also challenging.
But perhaps the biggest challenge was communicating in English

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
