Multi Ailment AI Detector

Multi Ailment AI Detector

Your Personalized Multiple Ailment AI-Based Prognosis Tool Telecare Assistance Platform

The problem Multi Ailment AI Detector solves

Remisense is a web application developed using Flask, a web framework in Python that aims to assist patients in obtaining the necessary medical care for their needs. The system allows users to register as patients or doctors, book appointments, and predict diseases based on symptoms. Doctors can view and manage appointments, while patients can track their appointments and update their profiles. Additionally, the system provides information on various health-related topics through blog posts and also analyses mental health conditiion of patients.

Challenges we ran into

During the development of the disease prediction project "Remisense" we encountered several challenges. These included integrating various technologies seamlessly to ensure smooth user experience, handling complex algorithms for disease prediction, managing data flow between frontend and backend, debugging issues across different layers of the application, and ensuring scalability and performance.We also faced issue with backend integration using python and flask but later we solved it successfully.Additionally, a significant challenge arose during deployment due to the uploading of the database, as it required careful consideration of security protocols, database configuration, and compatibility with the hosting environment. This necessitated thorough testing and troubleshooting to ensure the database was properly uploaded and accessible without compromising user data or system

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Remisense is a web application developed using Flask, a web framework in Python that aims to assist patients in obtainin...Read More
