

Ab Safety Hogi Smart

The problem Mukut solves

The Problem at hand is to tackle persistently high rates of motorcycle accidents stemming from issues like helmet non-compliance and drunk driving. Traditional safety measures have fallen short, necessitating innovative solutions. We urgently need a comprehensive system to ensure helmet usage, prevent drunk driving, and enable real-time monitoring to effectively reduce motorcycle accidents and save lives.

Our solution tackles the problem by introducing a revolutionary system comprising a smart helmet and bike module. The smart helmet detects helmet usage and alcohol levels, preventing the bike from starting if either criterion isn't met. Meanwhile, the bike module detects tilting or falling and automatically sends SMS alerts without mobile connectivity. By integrating advanced technology with proactive safety features, our solution ensures compliance with safety measures, prevents drunk driving, and provides real-time alerts for potential accidents, thereby significantly reducing the risk of motorcycle accidents and improving overall road safety.

Challenges we ran into

During the project development, one of the challenges arose when setting up the alcohol detection system and integrating it with the overall IoT framework. Another hurdle was encountered while connecting the helmet antenna with the bike antenna to enable the bike to stop if the user did not wear a helmet before starting it. These tasks required meticulous attention to detail and troubleshooting to ensure seamless functionality. Additionally, we faced issues with data transmission stability between these components, which demanded the implementation of robust communication protocols and error handling mechanisms. Despite these challenges, through persistent problem-solving and iterative testing, we were able to successfully overcome the obstacles and integrate these critical features into our IoT solution.
