
Our project Move-vaccineproposes a better way to vaccinate people through mobile vaccination thereby reducing crowds at vaccination centres.

Created on 20th June 2021



Our project Move-vaccineproposes a better way to vaccinate people through mobile vaccination thereby reducing crowds at vaccination centres.

The problem Move-vaccine solves

In the era of e-commerce platforms like Flipkart and Amzaon where everything is delivered at our doorstep, why not the same for vaccines? Our project thus proposes an efficient way to vaccinate people with minimum wastage of vaccines. The existing way of vaccinating people is through the vaccination centres which tend to be real crowdy and hard to manage thereby increasing the risk of the problem it was meant to solve in the first place. Move-vaccinethus provides doorstep vaccination which is highly suitable for old people and physically disabled people. We also provide vaccination for old age homes and orphanages which are many a times ignored.
Through our project we can efficiently minimise long waiting hours in crowds with risk of getting infected solving the problem of having to maintain social-distancing. Moreover, through our mobile vaccination, all the family members can get vaccinated at once reducing trips to the center for each individual member.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge we ran into is finding a solution to the problem of vaccine expiration. Covid vaccines are only usable for a certain duration after opening the vial. Through online sources, we came to know that each vial can be used for 10 doses and expires after 4 hrs of opening. All the doses thus need to be completed within 4hrs. This is not a problem when it comes to vaccination centres as people come there for vaccination. But when it comes to mobile vaccination, this is a great challenge.
We thus developed an algorithm so that we can make sure we reach our client's destination in time making sure all the doses are used before the contents of the vaccine expire.


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