
Bringing off-chain value on-chain. Mome is a social-fi dApp built with a best-of-both-worlds approach providing familiarity and ease of use to web2 users while harnessing blockchain technology.

The problem Mome solves

Mome is an decentralized media platform that allows users to create content and participate in daily time capsules. By the end of each day, the 12 most popular posts of the day will be selected to be sealed in an on-chain capsule as ERC-6551 NFTs, preserving the content forever.

Most of the previous and existing social dApps don't truly provide an incentive for Web2 users to start using them, they also usually suffer from an uncomfortable UI/UX because of the complicated nature of the blockchain.

In Web2, the centralisation of power means that there's no real ownership over your own content, there's also a high potential of censorship.

As a hybrid dApp we solve these issues, through a familiar and intuitive browsing experience to web2 users as they're interacting with the blockchain.

Daily Time Capsules: Each day, a new time capsule is opened where users can post and upvote content. At the end of the day, the top 12 moments, determined by user votes, are permanently sealed on the blockchain as a single ERC-6551 NFT.

User Authentication: To access the app's features, users need to verify with worldID, ensuring a secure and personalized experience.

Minting Own Posts: Users have the ability to mint their own posts into NFTs. This feature enables content creators to uniquely tokenize their contributions and have full ownership of their moments.

Token-Gated Chatroom: Users who actively participate in posting and voting within a daily time capsule gain access to the day's token-gated chatroom. This creates an exclusive and engaged community centered around the day's content.

Challenges I ran into

Building Mome was indeed a challenging process, but each hurdle we faced ultimately contributed to our growth and learning. Here are the specific challenges we faced and how we overcame them:

Unfamiliarity with Tech Stack: Given that we were working with a new tech stack, it was initially challenging to understand and implement the technologies required for Mome. To overcome this, we divided the learning process among our team members, each focusing on a different aspect of the tech stack. We then shared our knowledge with each other, effectively cross-training the team. We also made extensive use of online resources, tutorials, and forums to accelerate our learning.

New to Programming: As some of our team members were new to programming, understanding the complexities of coding was a significant challenge. We addressed this by pairing less experienced members with those who had more programming experience, facilitating a mentorship environment. This allowed the less experienced members to learn quickly and contribute effectively to the project.

Lack of Experience with Hackathons: Participating in a hackathon was a new experience for us, and we initially struggled with time management and prioritization. To overcome this, we created a detailed plan outlining our goals, tasks, and timelines. Regular check-ins and updates helped us stay on track and adjust our plan as needed.

Connecting Frontend and Backend: One of the most significant technical challenges we faced was connecting the frontend and backend of our application. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to get them to communicate effectively within the given timeframe. To overcome this, we focused on ensuring that both the frontend and backend were functioning independently. We then sought advice from mentors and used online resources to understand the problem better and find a solution.

Despite these challenges, we remained committed and persevered, learning a great deal in the process.

Tracks Applied (4)

All Things Dev

Innovative Web3 Solutions: Mome is a decentralized media platform that leverages blockchain technology to create a uniqu...Read More

NFT, Art & Gaming

NFT: Mome leverages the power of NFTs to preserve user-generated content in a unique and immutable way. By creating ERC-...Read More

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain: Mome is a decentralized media platform that leverages the power of blockchain technology to ensure the perma...Read More


Inclusivity: Mome is designed to be an inclusive platform where anyone can contribute content and participate in the cre...Read More
