Created on 9th January 2023
Mixx is a web application that makes it easy to convert online videos into audio files of various formats. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, Mixx is a convenient and versatile tool for those who want to listen to audio versions of their favorite online videos.
Start using Mixx today and experience the convenience and versatility of audio conversion at your fingertips!
Ensuring user password security during signup: We used bcrypt to hash the password when the user signup and saved the hashed password in the database.
Customizing the audio player to our needs: We fixed it by using wavesurfer.
Showing specific comments/tags when the audio is played: We fetched the whole data of comments and tags when the player is loaded and then took the current time played from wavesurfer. We made a 1-second interval to change the state and changed the mapping of comments and tags accordingly.
FFMPEG crashing on our machine: We had to reconfigure the Path and System variables to make it work.