Mitti Mentor

Mitti Mentor

A technological solution to detect which crop is suitable and most fruitful for your soil type

The problem Mitti Mentor solves

  1. Increment in Agricultural Yield: With the correct analysis of the soil texture, the right crop can be easily predicted thereby increasing the crop yield.
  2. Efficient use of cultivable land: With our model, Farmers can get a list of crop suggestions with which they can maximize their production output in a given amount of land thereby catering to the most efficient use of their cultivable land.
  3. Mitigating misguidance and biased advice: Our model would be efficient enough to provide the farmers the necessary suggestions thereby eliminating the need to hire a separate consultant, thus mitigating their biased opinions generally in favor of the company paying them commissions, rendering farmers independent.

Challenges we ran into

● Implementation of ML & Backend: Significant challenges were faced during the deployment of the model as the allocated RAM in the free version of Replit overflowed due to the tensorflow and Python packages.
● Deployment of the Model : Lack of free Space in Repelit due to the lack of funding and free subscription forced us to prototype the project in a free server which curtailed our capabilities a bit
● Scalability and competition from existing products in the market : During our surveys, we came across an already established startup ‘fasal’ which worked on similar lines which made us realize that we might lack a bit in R&D and Deployment. However, our future plans include more extensive market & field surveys to enhance the accuracy of our model and provide a better user experience by the use of location, weather and other such effective parameters.

Tracks Applied (4)


We have developed our project solely on Replit . Replit -



We have used a sequential CNN model developed using keras with 5 layers to predict the type of soil in the provided imag...Read More


Our Project has the following Primary sustainable development goals Increasing Resource production Farmer Independence I...Read More

Open Innovation

Our idea is innovative and can have huge impact if nurtured with efforts and care. We plan to further develop the projec...Read More
