

Upstart Your Infant Enterprise

The problem Mitr solves

In today's competitive startup ecosystem, emerging companies often face financial constraints that hinder their growth potential. To address this challenge, MITR, a forward-thinking startup, aims to create an sponsorship app. The app connects established companies with promising startups, providing them with necessary financial support, mentorship.

Mitr provide you a platform to share all your new ideas with experienced ones and built your own company. Mitr provide faster response than college incubation centers. It helps you a direct connect with best mentors for your startup. An incubation center fosters early-stage startups' growth, while a startup with sponsors and tech masters interaction is further along, benefiting from external support and expertise

Challenges we ran into

Balancing real-time data updates from Firestore while maintaining a responsive UI can be complex. Implementing secure user authentication and authorization through Firebase requires careful configuration.
