Middleware API

Middleware API

Simplify Data Integration with Our JSON-to-XML and XML-to-JSON Middleware

Middleware API

Middleware API

Simplify Data Integration with Our JSON-to-XML and XML-to-JSON Middleware

The problem Middleware API solves

Our backend middleware application acts as a translator and facilitator between two separate web clients that use different communication protocols, allowing them to exchange information with ease and compatibility.

Challenges we ran into

We tried to develop a middleware application using python as stack , But we ran into a dead end.So , we had to pivot to expressJS , We did'nt have much knowledge about it. So we learnt how to create API's using expressJS and then created the final API.

Tracks Applied (1)


We have developed an Backend Middleware Application that can receive and process the REST and SOAP API requests and thus...Read More

Tech Holding
