There is lot of food wastage in hostels ( Excessive Preparation of food) , Because Many people Dont like all the food items made in the Hostel mess , So to solve this problem we have made an Web Application , thru which students have to give input if they are going to eat in the mess or not . For instance if we consider Thapar's hostel-J where there are 1000+ students . Even if there are 100 inputs of people who are not going to eat , They can reduce the food quantity accordingly. The count data would directly go to the admin (i.e the mess manager) , Alongside We have websites for academics , Fees but we dont have a website for hostel/mess . So we made this to serve all purposes. Users Can give Feedbacks of their mess or over all hostel Complaints , Which we integrated into the data base by using Django which can be viewed bt the admin (i.e The caretaker or mess manager) . We currently made this only for one hostel right now , which can be scaled later on
<h1>While logging in , sign up first then login with the same username and password</h1>We Faced issues when integrating the form inputs to the admin data base, Maintaining a proper count of number of yes and no inputs, which were partially solved later on
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