Created on 9th August 2020
During times of COVID, we are trying to help sustain food and restaurant Industries by easing the process of placing order for food online for the User.
Connecting Flutter to a python server where python ML models are hosted was a pain for the major part..but we crossed that point by hosting a dart server and hosted python ML models in this server...So we started from scratch, made tons of helloworld grpc programs to get this fixed,
Then, fixing Speech to text took some time since we weren't able to get permission on emulator....So we thought that on a real phone we may get a pop up requesting for access and Thats exactly what happened so we were relieved...
Then connecting phone to laptop server was another significant pain and spent loads of time on this....the fix was this was so small however that all of us synchronously thought "OMG OF COURSE!" we had to change "" (for emulator) to "192.168.x.x" since our host is now a laptop and client is another device in itself having its own ip unlike emulator that gets its ip "from" its host in series
Technologies used