giving a vibrant ecosystem for mentors and mentees

The problem MENTORIUM solves

Developers(majorly students) face a lot of problems while implementing their projects. Baically there are 3 categories of projects, based on if their project is in ideation stage, currently in progress or if completed the developer wants some final feedbacks of experienced mentors to give a better user experience. So mentorium serves as a meeting ground for passionate mentees seeking guidance and seasoned mentors eager to share their experience & guidance. Our platform is completely safe as we don't ask for OTPS and confidential information

Challenges we ran into

we had a problem associating the auth as we have two types of users, mentors and mentees so earlier we were using clerk for attaching the auth but then we couldn't. also a few components weren't available on daisyui so we had to shift to shadcn at the end moment

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

Our project fits into open innovation

