Created on 28th May 2023
The mentorship platfrom brings the people on decentralized platform, where mentors can earn fair amount for their valuable mentorship unlike centralized platform. It helps in keeping identities hidden, it matters to the people who want to provide guidance to the projects, without revealing their identity.
The platform is built on blockchain and hence is the transparent, all the mentorships data is immutable and secure. Decentralized storage gives user more control over their data. It records and tracks the goals and feedback on the blockchain.
In traditional mentorship platforms you have to purchase the membership plans, but, with the help of blockchain and superfluid finance you pay as you take mentorship. You can start one to one video call, and so the streaming of tokens from mentee's account to the mentor's account will take place. Thus it solves the farudulent people's problem as well.
I ran into the rainbowkit integration challenge with my project, there were many errors with npm packages, I had to clear all the cache and had to make new folder for the testing purpose.
Next challenge I faced was with Dynamic routing, though, I solved it pretty quickly with the help of Stackoverflow.
I faced many problems which writing smrt contracts, but, thans to chatGPT, which improved my speed of finding bugs.
I tried implementing SuperFluid app, but, the library used in code was deleted, I'll look around it in future time.
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