
Mentify is created to help people suffering from mental health issue by using AI driven chatbot,Inbuilt live streaming module for one on one counselling video conference & Community to share emotions

Created on 31st October 2021



Mentify is created to help people suffering from mental health issue by using AI driven chatbot,Inbuilt live streaming module for one on one counselling video conference & Community to share emotions

The problem Mentify solves

Hello everyone, so we are here to talk about a topic which is ignored by 80% of the people worldwide and that topic is mental health. So why is it that we choose to ignore this considering that we see that a lot of people around us who are stressed, frustrated, etc.? So many people don't know that this is starting cause of mental illness. According to statistics the burden of mental health problems among the Indian youth is high and about 7% of Indians suffer from depression but this figure looks too small, right? Yes, this figure looks very small right now but if we calculate it then roughly 70,899,650 people in India suffer from depression, and now you will be shocked that behind that small percentage is a very big number.
So, what is leading such a large number of individuals to suffer?
In order to solve this problem we have made a website called Mentify.
Mentify is the one-stop for all of your mental health needs. On our landing page, we have motivation quotes and we are providing benefits of mental exercises, meditation, etc so that if any person lands on our website he gets motivated and has a positive vibe about our product so that the person can go ahead comfortably and explore more features like the signs and symptoms of the mental illness.
However, producing a product that provides information about mental health is not a proper answer to this real-world problem, because the individual is unaware of his or her mental state at the moment.
So we addressed this issue, with the help of our AI-driven chatbot, which will conduct a 10-minute survey in which they will be asked questions about how they feel when certain situations arise in their lives, as well as questions about their mood.
There is also a section where people can make friends and discuss their opinions with one another, allowing people to become more open to the community and voice their thoughts openly in a physical setting.
So this is our approach to solve this problem by using listed tech.

Challenges we ran into

While implementing the video conferencing module one of the issues we faced was not being able to connect to other people. So to overcome this problem we referred to documentations of WebRTC, WebSocket and PeerJs thoroughly.

In order to protect our user's data, we had to provide a high level of security to our database. So to overcome this problem we used Salt and hashing security to protect our user's data and database from phishing.

We were thinking to build a community like stack-overflow for posting their problem and solution to other user's problem but we were only able to build a discussion forum where the user can just post their problem and we are still researching that how to build this completely.


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