
#A platform where coders meet and grow



#A platform where coders meet and grow

The problem Menteria solves

Our hack is an android application based on one to one guidance for competitive coding. A person can register himself on our app and give us the input about himself and code force ratings. According his ratings, he can be a mentor or mentee. We have set threshold ratings after which person can become Mentor. One mentor can be assigned to many mentee but one mentee cannot have more than one mentor. This will allow user to communicate with his mentor who is using same competitive platform (for now limited to codeforce) and solve his doubts, discuss his Algorithm and code and seek guidance. This is one of the unique application as such platform is not available till now.

Challenges we ran into

We came across a lot of challenges while working on this project which made this journey of 24 hours sojourning.
Firstly, the main challenge we faced was the lack of communication with one of our team members due to his poor connectivity issues. He could'nt connect to the internet for more than an hour. However we overcame this challenge within some hours, and covered up remaining work by working more efficiently throughout the night.
Nextly, during the hackathon we made an app which was a newer concept for me, and inspite of these challenges we could successfully build it.
