1- Our E-learning portal gives students an opportunity to connect to mentors
from different parts of the world and to learn from their experiences. It will
also works as a peer to peer network, that lets students help each other out
through a community of similar interest.
- This portal provides ex-employers with an opportunity to earn an
additional income and a chance to help the young students and developerswho are seeking their help. This would also help them sharpen/revise their
skills. Also through the platform top-performing candidates, gets an
opportunity to land in an interview with a recruiter of their choice.
- Recruiters find to hard to find the right candidates from the plethora of
applicants. Our Portal provides recruiters the opportunity to connect with our
top-performing candidates (who have passed our skill verification test). Thus
instead of taking the hazzle of going through long process of hiring, the
recruiters can go through the handful of potential candidates on this portal by
accepting to connect with them.
Chatbot making so we used a website for making chatbots flowxo, arranging of meetings between various student/mentors and recruiters